Unique creatures : Fish

On last Tuesday, I was asked by my teacher to research the things around my classes. I walked around, but had not found the object to become the object of research. Then I saw a pond and I was interested in finding out what objects were in there. In the pond I saw so many animals that swim, and most of these animals were in a class of Pisces (fish). Therefore, I found an idea to observe behaviour, the gestures and body shape of that animal, that was usually called Fish.

Fish’s Behaviour

Some behavior that I observe fish in the pond :

1. Most fishes live in groups and they rarely live separately their colony.

2. Fishes don’t like to keep silence, They are always doing movement.

3. Fishes have a good stimulus, for example : When I was going to side of the pond, the fish swam closely to me, as if asking for food.

4. Sometimes fishes come to the surface.

5. Fishes swim by wagging its tail to the left and right, but the direction of motion is still forward.

6. Fishes do not like to explore new places. If they like one place, they won’t going to a new place.

Fish’s Descriptions

After observing the unique behavior of these animals, I became to be interested to observing body shapes and parts of his body. I noted the body parts of fish and tried to find out more explanation in the internet. Below is the decription of the fish that I found in the internet:


The skin of most bony fish is covered with bony scales that look like shingles on a roof. Bony fish scales are waterproof and help protect the fish. Glands in the skin in which the scales are embedded secrete a layer of mucus that covers the entire body. Mucus helps protect fish from infection. Handling fish removes this mucus coating and can be harmful to the fish.


Oxygen enters the bloodstream and carbon dioxide diffuses out at the gills, which are feathery structures found along the sides of the head. The gills of a healthy fish are bright red due to the high level of oxygen in the blood that is very close to the surface of the gills. (Without oxygen, the gills would be brown.) In bony fish, the gills are covered by a bony place called an operculum.


The shape of a fish's body tells a lot about its lifestyle. Fish with fusiform, or streamlined, bodies are usually fast swimming predators that may swim at high speeds much of the time or are capable of great bursts of speed. Many tropical fish are laterally compressed (flattened from side to side). Fish with this shape are not very streamlined but they do not rely on speed for catching food or escaping from predators. Their body shape is perfectly adapted for hiding in the cracks and crevices of rocks and reef. They can move into these areas to hide, to escape predators or to get at food that cannot be reached by other fish. Fish with this body shape, like angelfish, are very maneuverable and capable of short bursts of speed. They are often camouflaged with disruptive coloration.

Other fish are flattened from top to bottom. Fish with this body shape spend most of their time at the bottom. They are usually camouflaged or can change color to match the bottom.


Fins are used for swimming and sometimes for protection. Some fins are paired and others unpaired. The paired fins are the pectoral and pelvic fins. The unpaired fins are the dorsal, caudal (tail) and anal fins. The way the fins are used varies among different groups of fish. Most fish use their tails to move through the water and their other fins to steer with. Fins are most bony fish are flexible and supported by visible spines and rays. The shape, location and size of a fish's fins are closely linked with its way of life. See more about fins.

Pectoral Fins:

The paired pectoral fins are usually responsible for turning, although they can be used for other functions such as tasting, touching, support and as a source of power for swimming.

Pelvic Fins:

Paired pelvic fins add stability and are used for slowing some bony fishes.

Dorsal Fin:

This may be a single fin or be separated into several fins. In most bony fishes, the dorsal fin is used for sudden direction changes and acts as a "keel" to keep the fish stable in the water.

Caudal (or tail) fin:

This is responsible for propulsion in most bony fishes.

Anal Fin:

The anal fin adds stability.


The shape of the tail can be an indicator of how fast a fish usually swims.

-Crescent-shaped: Fish with crescent-shaped tails are fast swimmers and constantly on the move.

-Forked: Fish with forked tails are also fast swimmers, though they may not swim fast all of the time. The deeper the fork, the faster the fish can swim.

-Rounded: Fish with a rounded or flattened tail are generally slow moving, but are capable of short, accurate bursts of speed.


Fish are visual predators. Many nocturnal fish have large eyes to help them feed at night. Fish such as sharks have pupils that dilate and constrict, and some sharks also have an eyelid that closes from the bottom upward. Bony fish eyes lack both of these characteristics.


The position of a fish's mouth gives a general indication of where it feeds in the water column. In an aquarium, fish with up-pointing mouths like hatchetfish primarily feed on the food flakes that float or hang near the water surface. Some fish with mouths on the underside of their head, like the catfish, feed on the bottom. A catfish would be very beneficial to the Aquademics™ aquarium because, as a bottom-feeder, it helps eliminate unused food buildup by eating the food particles that sink to the lower levels of the tank.

The shape and size of a fish's mouth can also tell you what it eats. Since tropical fish in an aquarium have small mouths, Tetra has developed a variety of small fish food flakes, granules and tablets for daily feedings.

Body Shapes


Laterally Compressed
(Flattened from side to side)

(Flattened from top to bottom)

(Body shaped like a snake)


(Dark on top and light on the bottom)

Disruptive Coloration
(The patterns and lines break up the outline of the fish)

Eye Spots
(A form of mimicry, the eye spot draws attention away from the head)


Positive or Negative Effects of Fish

Positive Effects

- Fish can be used as an everyday food that contains high protein.

- Fish can be processed into fish oil. Fish oil is oil derived from the tissues of oily fish. It is recommended for a healthy diet because it contains the omega-3 fatty acids, eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), precursors to eicosanoids that reduce inflammation throughout the body.

- Fish can be cultivated or can be ornamental animal.

Negative Effects

- Fish can be used as an intermediary worms that cause disease.

The Fish Project

I have a plan about fish that it possible or not. In the plan, i will make a generators that powered by fish's movement. how it happens ? well, i will explain the structure of the generator. First, i will explain you about the pond where the fishes are swimming.

In the pond, there are some labyrinth that installed in each side of pond. In every labyrinth there are some turbine. Turbine are connected to power supply of generator. So, when the fishes are swimming through the labyrinth, they will automatically rotate the turbine.

Second, the structure of generator. The generator mostly same like hydroelectric generator. There is a coil which contain lead wire. Coil's function is produce electricity power. Generator is connected with the turbine by swiel gear in the machine. Because the generator and turbine are connected, so, when the turbine is rotating, the generator will come rotated and produce the electricity power.

Other components of the fish's generator is Transmission's cables. It's function is to channel the electrical energy has been produced to the house . So, we can use the electrical energy for daily activities.

The generator can be used by every house hold. Why ? Because we can created it in a pond near each house. So, we can save the electricity power because we can produce it by ourselves.
