English Examinations

Name : Ilyaza Gusnawan

Date   : 29th July 2010

Class  : Gifted and Tallented Programe

1) I think the picture is very unique. Why ? because if we see it with normal sight, we can't find the thing that advertised by  advertiser. The thing is a High Heels.The woman who sit in the picture very suitable with the object, because high heels is one symbol of woman. Most woman in the world like high heels, moreover in Europe and America. They deem fashion is number one. So, we can say that high heels is one symbol of woman.

   I think the picture's theme is classic. Because, there is sketch of a woman who is sitting in the ground and scratch of paint as backgroud. So, it is amazing picture. The object, background, and the color of the background are very suitable. The background color is white and light brown. It make the object more bright and be not dim.

   The message is advertiser want to express that high heels identic with woman. The advertiser think that if you want to be the real woman, so wear the high heels. But I think the woman in the object is not good. Because she is smoking. Smoke is one symbol of bad thing.

   I write this paragraph because i'm interesting about the picture. There are positive and negatife thing that i found in the picture. The positive thing is the picture is very ellegant with classic theme. But, the bad thing is the smoke. I really don't like it. The second's reason is i want to give some comment about the picture.

2) I overheard a man talking to an old woman. He asked her if she was sure the six-teenth was still only for Paris. She answered directly that she was afraid and next year they were going to start an air-service three times a week, but in meanwhile. She talked to the man that here his keys.Then, the man said to the old woman that he is not going to thanks and he asked if she would call Paris. The old woman answered that it would be through in five minutes.

Then, she gave a telegram for the man. He said that keep it there for him for the moment. Suddenly, the man asked to the old woman who owns the place in that time. She answered that she didn't really know and maybe Esters had been own its. He said that the Esters not be the owner and he asked if she didn't know then. She Replied that she was afraid not.

3) a) The writer is applying for the scoolarship to the university or the collage.

     b) The first paragraph is talking about The writer's introducing.

          The second paragraph is talking about the writer's future planning.

          The third paragraph is talking about the writer's document that attached by the writer.

      c) The document is curriculum vitae. Curriculum Vitae is a document that contain writter's life history and a list of writer's achievement.

       d) Curriculum Vitae is attached for support the writer to achieve the schoolarship. Why ? Because in curriculum vitae there are a list of writer's achievement. So, it can be the thing that considered by the university or collage.


1 komentar:

bintangku mengatakan...

For Idea in answering the questions is very talented to be more creative as responding. But when we look at some material of writing session, we discuss before. You are still more learning focus on grammatical item.

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